Engaged Tech-Literate Community

Our tech-literate community is the backbone of the ecosystem. We recognize that there is an ever-growing pool of thousands of developers looking for more flexibility, vision, and development impact than arises from working for IT centralized corporations and traditional companies. They want to participate in the metaverse world of disruptive digital asset solution markets and fast-evolving opportunities.

The Netdex ecosystem has several strategies in place to ensure that when we build it, individuals will come to join the community, and they will stay:

  • Tokenomics that rewards validators; see Section 4

  • Familiar programming language support for dApps and smart

    contracts; see Section 3.4.4

  • Financial motivation to innovate; see below

Financial Motivation

To generate the interest and the continuous support of the developer community, the Netdex Foundation will create a multi-million fund using up to 6% of the total supply of EXS.

Project applications that pass the extensive analysis and screening process of the Netdex Grants Foundation Commission will be eligible for the grant. Selection will favor projects that stimulate the ecosystem's growth and diversity.

The interaction between the development teams and the Netdex Grants Foundation Committee will be moderated through a dedicated forum to encourage the participation of both experienced external professionals and groups of independent developers. Everyone will be able to submit application proposals anonymously for the committee to thoroughly screen and analyze in-depth.

The teams behind the most successful applications will be invited to an interview to discuss their project further. Where projects are a good fit, the Netdex Grants Foundation Committee will help set the correct milestones to deliver the solutions via an agile methodology.

These digital funds will be distributed to the developers in the form of grants. These will consist of both EXS and stable coins, like USDT and USDC. This approach will mitigate against volatility.

The grants budget will cover education, living expenses, and the required equipment in relation to the size and impact the project will have on the whole Netdex and global blockchain ecosystem. Bigger budgets will be assigned to more advanced and complex solutions or research topics that will require a longer commitment.

Micro grants, or bounties, will also be given to the most interesting small- sized projects in the order of a few thousand USD dollar value.

A Listening Ear

The financial motivation is not simply about encouraging developers to propose and provide innovative applications to serve the ecosystem. It is also an opportunity to hear from our developer community.

This is vital, because blockchain technology is only in its infancy and is evolving at an unprecedented pace. Every day, new improvements to the underlying algorithms and computational processes are being tested and created, and new use cases are being designed by a global community of decentralized developers and mathematicians.

To always ensure the state-of-the-art steady evolution of the project, Netdex needs to be community-driven and adequately incentivize the decentralized IT professionals to cooperate with its future development.

Last updated