Quantum Secure
DAG offers quantum resistance, i.e., the underlying distributed ledger is less susceptible to quantum computers with high-level computing properties. Cryptography based on elliptic curves over finite fields is a widely-used cryptographic system. The Netdex Chain signatures are based on the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm secp256k1 curve. The security of this system is based on the hardness of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem (ECDLP).
Theoretically, any key can be broken; however, even with todayβs computing power, estimates suggest that the energy required would be equivalent to that required to bring all the water on Earth to a boil. This means that, by their nature, cryptographic protocols offer security against attack.
The potential threat comes from the development of a sufficiently large quantum computer. Of specific interest to cryptocurrencies is how this relates to the elliptic curve signature scheme. Experts theorize that a quantum computer could break this form of cryptography by or before 2030. As a theoretically quantum-proof cryptographic algorithm does not currently exist, the Netdex chain architecture implements multiple cryptographic systems supporting a modular architecture design; thus providing layers of resistance.
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